Friday, February 28, 2020

Daisy miler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Daisy miler - Essay Example She is only concerned in making herself the center of attention and the way she does it is by manipulating other men. It is difficult to argue on the question whether Daisy Miller is a ‘nice’ girl. Even though we get to see different sides of Daisy Miller in the story, it is still not possible to come to the definite conclusion about her character. Daisy is quite vulgar and we see examples of her immodesty when she is found late at night at coliseum with Mr. Giovanelli. However, it is not possible to judge Daisy based on such incidents since morality is a culturally conditioned response and the standards of morality are set based on the social convention of that area. Therefore, it is a fifty-fifty chance of Daisy actually being guilty of not innocent. Daisy acts on what she intends without giving any second thoughts to it. She represents the American flirt who does not obey or adhere to the rules of the European community in which she is currently in. This is the reason she frequently becomes a subject of gossip among her peers. Even after knowing about Daisy’s character, life and habits it is not possible to decide whether Daisy was innocent or not. Firstly, it is not possible to conclude whether Daisy knew all along about what people were saying behind him. She appears to be ‘too light and childish†¦ too uncultivated and unreasoning’. Perhaps, it is because of this attitude that she fails to notice what others thought. However, equally plausible may be that ‘she carried about in her elegant and irresponsible little organism a defiant, passionate, perfectly observant consciousness of the impression she produced.’ Therefore, it is simply inconclusive and impossible to decide whether Daisy Mil ler is too innocent to notice what others think about her character or whether she is so care-free and happy-go-lucky sort of person that she does not care one bit about what others

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Analysis Of Mans Search For Meaning By Viktor Frankl Essay

Analysis Of Mans Search For Meaning By Viktor Frankl - Essay Example Next, Frankl mentions creativity and enjoyment as factors that contribute to the meaningfulness of life. Most people feel their lives to be meaningful when they have opportunities for self-expression. Meaninglessness is sensed, when a person is deprived of the above-mentioned outlets and isn't able to admit meaningfulness of both negative and positive life events, i.e. – in a particular case of death camp imprisonment – suffering. "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way†. Therefore, inability to admit the fact that even the bitterest situations have to mean, i.e. inability to change one's attitude towards unfavorable circumstances that cannot be changed, is another element of the state of meaninglessness. The third element of the discussed state is demolition of the values that were held by an individual: "Under the inf luence of a world which no longer recognized the value of human life and human dignity, which had robbed man of his will and had made him an object to be exterminated [†¦] the personal ego finally suffered a loss of values". Another element contributing to the state of meaninglessness is a lack of love, for Frankl sees love as a powerful motivator.According to Oakley, â€Å"people who find their own lives meaningless are also suffering, in varying degrees, failure of motivation, anhedonia, and distress†.